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Around 4 years old


Small/medium in size


Good with people and other dogs


  • About

    Maia is currently living in a Government pound . She arrived last summer with a puppy who sadly died, which is a common occurrence in a pound environment for puppies.


    Maia is around 4 years old but could be a little younger, she is fully vaccinated and spayed.  She is a calm dog who gets along well with the other dogs in the pound, she also likes a cuddle and fuss from our visiting rescuers.  She is not currently tested around cats and children.


    Maia has tested positive on a routine screening test for Anaplasmosis, this is a fairly common tick- borne disease prevalent in countries such as the Balkans, it is treated with a course of 30 days of antibiotics which is sufficient according to vet advice received. Maia does not show any symptoms of Anaplasmosis and is receiving her 30 day course of treatment.  This is a useful information sheet on Anaplasmosis.


    All our dogs are tested for the following prior to travel: Heartworm, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis, Lyme Disease, Brucellosis (since 11th June 2021).


    Rescue back up for life


    If you are interested in adopting marvellous Maia please register your interest here or contact us for more information.

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Balkan Underdogs is a UK registered charity SC045210

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