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Lovely girl, small in size.


18 months old (July 2024).


Good with cats and other dogs.

  • Meet Zuta

    This little female is Zuta.


    Zuta somehow found herself in government pound  where she was very scared and overwhelmed, as can be seen in her earlier pictures.


    Our rescuer moved her and she is now living in a home and is much happier.


    Zuta is fine with the other dogs and cats in the property and friendly with the people she knows but  can be a little reserved with new people at first.


    Zuta is a tiny little girl who has clearly not had the best start to her life.  The only thing she needs is someone to love her and look after her and help to boost her confidence.


    All our dogs are tested for the following prior to travel: Heartworm, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis, Lyme Disease, Brucellosis (since 11th June 2021).


    Rescue back up for life


    If you are interested in adopting  Zutu please register your interest here or contact us for more information.

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