Gourmet Dog Nutrition is a small pet food company that puts enormous emphasis on the quality of its ingredients, and healthy lifestyle products. They are proud of their wonderful food and display 100% of all ingredients on their packaging. For every bag of high grade grain-free kibble, BU supporters will receive:
A LIFETIME £5 discount on any single bag purchase
A LIFETIME £6.25 discount on purchases of 2 bags for life
100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back
Gourmet Dog Nutrition will then donate that same amount to BU on EVERY sack ordered, for LIFE.
For dogs on a BARF (biologically appropriate raw food) diet, Gourmet Dog Nutrition also offer a raw feed supplement.
Simply click the logo above and choose your product. Use the discount code BU500 for single sack orders or BU625 on a two sack order at checkout!
Our fosters are also rewarded with a huge discount per sack for BU dogs and their own dogs for Life even after they no longer foster as a thank you.