Male dog.
2 years old (May 24).
Good with people & other dogs.
Meet Kofi
Kofi was found in the bushes by our wonderful rescuer with his sisters Shiva and Aya and brother Odin.
They all look very similar but Kofi has one white foot.
When they were first found they were all quite timid and unused to human contact but with lots of careful attention they are now happily coming for cuddles.
They are lively dogs who love to play. They have not been tested with cats.
Kofi has been fully vaccinated and will be neutered before travel.
All our dogs are tested for the following prior to travel: Heartworm, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis, Lyme Disease, Brucellosis (since 11th June 2021).
If you are interested in adopting Kofi please register your interest here or contact us for more information.