Cat Adoption Agreement

As with any responsible charity, we have an agreement in place which ensures the safety of all the animals we rescue upon adoption.
Our post-adoption team will support you during the first few months of your adoption, and will continue to check in periodically to ensure you are fully supported where needed.
You must agree to the following prior to the adoption of any of our cats:
Ensure the Cat lives inside the home as a family pet and will exercise diligent care to ensure the safe integration of the cat into my household and environment. I will not leave the Cat unattended with any child under the age of 5 years.
If the cat is not already neutered, I will ensure that neutering is carried out as soon as possible by a qualified veterinary surgeon unless there are veterinary or age related reasons why the cat should not be neutered. I will provide evidence of neutering to Balkan Underdogs.
To discuss with Balkan Underdogs before making MAJOR decisions severely affecting the health and welfare of the cat. In the case of an emergency, to inform Balkan Underdogs (please see Trustee contact details listed below) as soon as reasonably practicable after veterinary treatment. I will advise BU of any vet recommendation for PTS BEFORE this is actioned unless this is an extreme emergency to alleviate animal suffering and one of the trustees has been notified by phone call or message.
Balkan Underdogs reserve the right, approximately one week after the cat’s arrival, to contact the veterinary practice at which the cat is registered to introduce Balkan Underdogs as the cat’s rescuing charity, confirm our continuing commitment to the health and wellbeing of the cat, and re-iterate the requirement for Balkan Underdogs to be informed of any MAJOR decisions affecting the continued health and wellbeing of the cat.
Not allow the Cat to be used for breeding or stud purposes.
Feed, house and care for the Cat in accordance with the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and to the satisfaction of Balkan Underdogs.
Be responsible for the welfare of the Cat at all times and will not cause or permit anyone else to cause the Cat unnecessary suffering.
To allow Balkan Underdogs to visit my home to check on the welfare of the Cat.
Not shut the cat out of the house on a constant basis without any access to shelter or food and water. If the cat is homed as an indoor cat then this must be adhered to at all times.
Obtain treatment from a qualified veterinary surgeon in all cases of injury or illness and ensure the Cat receives appropriate regular veterinary health care.
Notify the relevant people and Balkan Underdogs in the event that the Cat is stolen or goes missing.
Keep the micro-chip details current and update with new contact details where applicable. I will also inform Balkan Underdogs of any change of address or contact details.
Ensure that the Cat wears a collar and name tag showing my name and address.
Ensure that for at the first week if possible two, that the Cat will be kept inside to get familiar with their new home environment before being allowed outside
Not to sell or part with ownership or possession of the cat. If I am unable to keep the Cat for any reason, I will return it to Balkan Underdogs in accordance with the Rescue Backup Policy