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  • Мушко, око 2 године
  • Средње грађе
  • Кастриран
  • Слатка и стрпљива природа
  • Добро је са људима и другим псима
  • Вакцинисано и титровано пре путовања

  • Потпуно сигурносно копирање и подршка за усвајање после живота
  • Meet Gasha

    Gasha was living with several other dogs in a location where he was being regularly fed by our lovely rescuers. Unfortunately the area was scheduled for building works and all the dogs had to be removed as a matter of urgency otherwise the dog catchers were going to be called and removed by them.

    Gasha has been described as having a sweet and patient nature and is fine with people and other dogs. He loves to have a cuddle!


    Gasha has been treated for and has fully recovered from heartworm. She has received treatment including the two standard treatments a Knotts lab blood test as well as an ultrasound scan to ensure there is no long-lasting effects and no heartworm remains.


    Heartworm is fairly common in Serbia and many dogs/cats recover in full if caught early enough and dogs/cats can lead full and normal lives. Heartworm is not generally well known in the UK but there are plenty of articles online and a useful video within the video library on our website here


    All our dogs are tested for the following prior to travel: Heartworm, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis, Lyme Disease, Brucellosis (since 11th June 2021).


    Rescue back up for life

    If you are interested in adopting Gasha please register your interest here, or contact us for more information.

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Balkan Underdogs is a UK registered charity SC045210

Copyright © Balkan Underdogs 2023.
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