- Мушкарац, приближно 2 године
- Средње грађе
- Добро са људима и другим псима
- Нежан, разигран и дружељубив
- Био би идеалан породични кућни љубимац
- Вакцинисано, кастрирано и тестирано на титру
- Потпуно сигурносно копирање и подршка за усвајање после живота
Meet Toby
Gorgeous Toby is currently in a pension after finding himself in a government dog pound and living there for over a year.
Toby can be nervous around strangers, although when you give him time to get to know you'll be rewarded with a friendly dog. He would need a home that is happy to give him time to relax and get to know them. Toby is very bonded with the lovely Misty and it would be great if they could find a forever home together, but they can be rehomed separately
Toby is fully vaccinated and neutered.
All our dogs are tested for the following prior to travel: Heartworm, Anaplasmosis, Erlichiosis, Lyme Disease, Brucellosis (since 11th June 2021).
If you are interested in adopting Toby please register your interest here or contact us for more information.